FURE, interview, future of reading

Short interview with FURE co-organizer Patrick Marc Sommer about the future of reading

Mr. Sommer, why are you so dedicated to the future of reading?

As a designer, with a strong focus on typography, I specialize in extensive publications, including magazines, books, annual reports, and digital publications. For me, it is very important that a pleasant reading experience is offered and I find it extremely exciting how the technology is developing and how current standards are changing. I have been working independently in this area for about 15 years.

The higher the amount of text, the higher the demands on the readability of the text.

It's amazing how the first impression can influence our reading behavior before we've even read a word. Small details are very important and very decisive for the overall impression.

When we launched the FURE, “The Future of Reading” conference, it was important for us to stand out from the usual portfolio presentations. We wanted to focus on content and address both analog and digital reading experiences. I find the exchange with other designers from different perspectives and their experiences incredibly exciting and enriching. There is nothing better than learning from others and developing yourself.

What do you think: Which (reading) media does the future belong to?

Reading is an integral part of our everyday life, whether we're reading news online, enjoying a book, scrolling through social media posts, or looking at the billboard at the train station. But not all texts are designed and effective in the same way. For this reason, typographic basics are for designersessential on the inside. Natalie Gaspar and I published the book “The ABC of Typography” during the pandemic. Through a loose, easy-to-understand structure and applications in Adobe InDesign, it shows how to use typography smartly to support content and readersto inspire on the inside. It is incredibly fulfilling to see how well-designed typography can influence the mood of a text and make it a real pleasure to read. Because typography is fun.

The future definitely belongs to a mix of different media.

While digital media have their benefits, it's worth remembering that “digital” isn't always the greener option. Information and communication technology causes just as much CO2 emissions as the aviation industry. As creative professionals, we should make sure to reduce data consumption, for example when designing websites. We should also strive to only use as much storage space as necessary.

Although e-books can be convenient, reading a printed book can be much more emotional. The feel of the paper, the feeling of experiencing the scent of the paper and seeing the signs of use make a book lively and authentic. It is a real pleasure to own and experience a physical book and also to be able to give it away as an object.

tickets to FURE 2024 on March 8, 2024.

The interview was published on blog Münster University of Applied Sciences.


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