Learning from nature, interview, sustainability

Learning from nature — interview with Dr. Sybs Bauer

The book “formatio naturalis” invites you on a research trip to learn from nature and to integrate its wisdom into creative processes and corporate cultures by combining the cognitive with the emotional. In conversation with author Dr. Sybs Bauer.

How can we learn from nature and incorporate its wisdom into our own creative process?

It was precisely with this question that I started my research journey. I naively thought I would find what I was looking for in evolutionary biology, but unfortunately I found far less than I had hoped for, but I found something unexpectedly exciting due to additional subject areas.

In order to learn from nature, it is essential to accept ourselves as part of nature and to abolish the separation between human and nature. This broadens the question enormously, because if we want to understand nature, we must also learn to understand ourselves. However, this means meeting yourself and also facing your own life's lies. That is the hard part. At the same time, however, there is also a profound relief hidden here, because we as natural beings have the same incredible potential that produces the beauties we admire so much.

In order to integrate knowledge into our creative processes, I call for a Perceived understanding. In our culture, we are strongly influenced by knowledge, our intellect and logic, which is why for me the beginning is factual and argumentative understanding, and then the step of Beyond to dare; in other words, leave the alleged complementarities behind us. It sounds surreal, but it contains incredible beauty in itself.

How can we apply the concept of formatio naturalis to the problems of our time, such as climate change or sustainable development?

In any case, we cannot solve the acute problems with the thinking with which we created the problems! That is the most important finding of all! We are therefore forced to learn to think in a new way. So what could be more obvious than learning from nature, which has been the epitome of sustainability and 100% recycling for millions of years? That is exactly what my book promotes — and may also challenge one or the other.

Companies are currently faced with an almost insoluble dilemma. In fact, they would have to abolish themselves, but at the same time continue to produce. What to do Analyzing and accepting the current situation is the first step, understanding in the above sense the second and following, as part of Beyond, in the spirit of Erich Fromm, learn to (re) perceive the “being so” of nature — and accompanying the application! I could also express it more emotionally: Let's bring love and humility back into our lives! Because we value and preserve what we love.

Here is an example of natural intelligence: Nature is neutral. She has no ratings or convictions, i.e. the division into good and evil, into winning and losing, or into right and wrong! Wouldn't it be a joyful change in our culture, indeed in our lives, if we didn't waste our energy in constant complaints, but invested in a confident, joyful seeking attitude? By this I do not mean positive washing, similar to green washing, but I want to point out the change that is the end with assessments and assessments, i.e. the end of the urge of Having to be liberated brings with it, to a beginning of genuine freedom, us per To be able to decide something.

What is the role of aesthetics in nature and how can we apply it in our own life and work?

The aesthetics of nature are based on a fractal world, the golden ratio, i.e. clear geometry — that is actually known and can be learned at any time. The stance behind this is less obvious: This is about a growing network of relationships in absolute neutrality and far removed from our military hierarchy. One part is always related to the other and the big becomes the small in the next moment. That is the most important thing about the golden ratio.

For companies, this would mean fractal growth instead of trying to win in 7-mile boots. And management would be aware of their task, namely natural relationship management.

What is the purpose of the book and how can it contribute to improving our development processes and corporate cultures?

As a designer, I admire the beauty of nature and my personal curiosity turned into an urge to understand how to get there. When I had the opportunity to do a dissertation at the Technical University of Munich and was able to recruit Ernst Peter Fischer as a second reviewer, I ventured into the topic.

For the resulting Perceived non-fiction I hope that it is read a lot, reaches many people and is also happy to be discussed. I hope that readers will use the fascinating principles of nature, at the same time deepen their love for nature and open up the endless realm of possibilities within themselves. That would be terrific!

A warning should be anticipated: The book does not contain any recipes. It is scientific, partly philosophical and throws the reader back at themselves. And yet you find Pathways, to deepen your own creativity. An example: The spatial design for creative work should be similar to a quiet monastery room that richly integrates lively nature. Why Because nature communicates with us natural beings via our immune system. For me, knowledge about nature brings us back to our personal responsibility and at the same time opens up wonderful confidence!

Formatio naturalis
Following in the footsteps of nature's design and what we can learn from it


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