I’m a designer and the founder of Typoint – a design and typography studio. I also offer consultancy services in the field of typography.
I’m co-organising the Ignite Talks – Inspiration and New Ideas for Tomorrow’s Evolution, a series of talks on design and society. I love talking to people about how we can shape our future, and you can find these conversations regularly in my column »Zukunft Gestalten« in Grafikmagazin. I’m on the board of the association Creatives for Future.
I’m one of the founders of Fure – The Future of Reading, a design conference that explores since 2017 the exciting world of reading. And i’m one of the two authors of the book Das ABC der Typografie which covers everything you need to know about typography basics.
I had the honor of being a jury member for: Die Schönsten Deutschen Bücher, Förderpreis für junge Buchgestaltung and European Design Award.
I’ve given talks and facilitated workshops here: Apple Store Berlin TypeTalk, Creative Paper Conference Munich, Designzentrum Stuttgart, FH Münster, Forward Festival Munich, FURE – The Future of Reading, HTW Berlin, and TYPO Berlin.