Creatives for Futures, Interview

Creatives for Futures — Interview with Stefan Bergmeier

Die Creatives for Futures are a grassroots movement that is committed to climate justice. Around 50 designers are currently active. Membership is voluntary, free of charge and open to everyone.

In conversation with Stefan Bergmeier

Which projects have already been initiated?

We regularly support other voluntary environmental movements, such as the “Scientists for Future”. In this way, we help others understand their important messages better and gain more reach. For example, we've redesigned the Planetary Boundaries infographic to make it easier for beginners to understand.

We also support the “Omas for Future” in visual communication. They have invented a climate quiz that helps them communicate better with their generation.

We are also making an impact on our industry, for example through free Zoom lectures. The next ones will take place in May.

Many of us go to global climate strikes, which usually take place in March and September.

What challenges are there in your movement?

We regularly receive inquiries. We can only support a few of them at the moment. That is why we are looking for new members to join us.

What do you recommend designers change in their everyday working life in order to act more sustainably?

Three things with which you can create a long-term effect with manageable effort:

  1. Switch to a genuine green electricity provider, for example to the “Bürgerwerke” cooperative.
  2. Switch to an ecological bank.
  3. Less consumption of animal products.

In an agency, it is advisable to initiate a climate task force. Working together is usually more fun and you can spread the tasks over several shoulders.

We are currently working on a service that will provide you with further recommendations once a month. You can already register for this via our website.

Which channels can you recommend to learn about and exchange ideas about sustainable design?

We use Slack for our group chat. There, you can ask questions about your own current topics, for example about environmentally friendly service providers such as web hosts or printing houses. You can receive an invitation to join our Slack Group through our monthly meetings via Zoom or by signing up to our newsletter.

I like the explanatory videos from”In short“Very much. They not only explain the topics very well, they have a positive and humorous storytelling. This encourages action.

How can interested people best get in touch with you?

We meet once a month via Zoom. We introduce ourselves to the new guy. You can ask questions and suggest projects.

The article was published in the column “Shaping the Future” in graphic magazine.


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