FURE, future of reading, editorial design

Our FURE magazine has been published

Have you read anything today? Book, news portal, magazine, slogan, posts, flyers?

In FURE — The Future of Reading, we have packed exciting stories about how we read today and how that is changing us. Designers, media professionals and creative people deal with reading in a complex way.

Sabina Sieghart and Ann Bessemans plead for “Make Reading Great Again,” says Sabine Reister and Christoph Schall wonders whether you always see what you read. On 136 worthwhile pages, you can find out how design influences reading (Antonia Cornelius) and what is actually the state of “visual gender” (Bettina Schulz).


The magazine costs 19.80 euros gross including shipping. It can be ordered here:


More information at http://futureofreading.de/

Impressions from the magazine

photos: Marie Rime

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Patrick Marc Sommer

+49 (0) 30 22 01 86 21

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